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Pay gap reporting

The West Brom is proud to be an equal opportunities employer and committed to foster a culture where our staff from all walks of life feel that they can share our values, fulfil their potential and be appropriately rewarded.

As a business employing more than 250 members of staff, the West Brom is required to publish information relating to gender pay, under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. From 2021, we are also pleased to voluntarily publish information relating to ethnicity pay gap. We welcome the opportunity to report such data externally as we believe that being open and transparent on gender and ethnicity pay is a positive step in moving the diversity agenda forward.

Information contained within our gender pay report includes the average differences in pay and bonus pay between male and female employees, the proportion of men and women receiving bonuses and the proportion of men and women within the organisation according to quartile pay bands. Although not yet a mandatory reporting requirement, our ethnicity pay gap statistics are also calculated based on a similar methodology used for gender pay gap reporting, and show the average differences in average pay and bonus pay between Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) employees and White British, White Irish and White Other (referred to as Non-BAME) employees.

Pay gap statistics shows differences between the average pay of relevant diversity groups (e.g. women and men, BAME and Non-BAME), hence do not take into account seniority or specific roles. As such, a pay gap should not be confused with unequal pay, which deals with pay differences between men and women, or BAME and Non-BAME employees doing the same job or work of equal value. We are confident that we don’t have any processes or practises which result in people being paid differently because of their gender, ethnicity or any other protected characteristic as stipulated by the Equality Act 2010.

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