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Why has my Total Balance outstanding increased on my mortgage statement?

The following are the most common reasons why your total balance may have increased:

  • Administration Charges - where charges have been made to cover administration costs, these will be added to the total balance outstanding.
  • Monthly repayments not received - if the full monthly repayments required are not received by the end of the financial year (31 March), these will increase the balance brought forward from the previous year.
  • Insurance Premiums - following the Society's Annual Insurance Renewal, the annual insurance premium is debited to your mortgage account - from this point to the end of the financial year, six monthly premiums have been paid, but six monthly premiums remain outstanding. Therefore, the mortgage balance will increase accordingly.  This does not apply to Flexible Mortgages.
  • In addition, if you have failed to make the required CMS payment on the required date at any point in time your outstanding balance may increase.
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