The West Brom backs Mortgage Charter with additional support for borrowers

The West Brom is one of more than 30 banks and building societies to sign the Government’s new Mortgage Charter, which provides support for residential mortgage customers.

The Charter, which sets out clear commitments to support borrowers, was launched on Monday but as the cost-of-living crisis continues, the West Brom has gone further to support its customers.

Jonathan Westhoff, Chief Executive Officer at the West Brom, said: “The recent increases in interest rates is a worry for many, and the Mortgage Charter offers borrowers some security. Whilst we are delighted to sign up to this valuable initiative, we’ve already introduced significant and tangible support for any of our borrowers who may need it. We’ve removed all arrears charges to help those who are financially vulnerable, are proactively contacting customers who may need additional support and provide referrals to free debt advice charities where appropriate.”

Westhoff added: “We’re constantly reviewing the support we offer and have expert teams on hand to provide tailored options so I’d urge any of our customers who may be struggling to get in touch. Talking to us won’t impact your credit score and the sooner we know about any difficulties, the quicker we can work with you to resolve them.”