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Homes for Ukraine

Please complete the form below to let us know when you have been accepted to the Homes for Ukraine scheme and the visa for the Ukrainian national has been approved.

Your 9 digit account number is included in the correspondence and your mortgage statement we have previously sent to you. Please ensure you enter your account number accurately as providing an incorrect account number will result in a delay.
Please tick this box to confirm you’ve received acceptance for the scheme. If you’re still waiting to be accepted, please wait for your acceptance and complete this form once you’ve received confirmation.
Please tick this box to confirm a visa has been approved for the Ukrainian national. If you haven’t received visa approval, please wait for approval and complete this form once this has been received.
Please tick this box to confirm an Excluded Licence Agreement/Excluded Tenancy Licence has been agreed and is in place. If this isn’t in place, please complete this form once this has been set up. If you’re unsure what the Agreement/Licence is or would like to discuss this with us, please call us on 0345 241 4526 (we are open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm).
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