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We will never ask you for your personal information

Fraudsters will often send out bogus emails in an attempt to try and get hold of your personal information, such as login credentials (username and password). Emails which they send out may look very similar to the genuine article. However, the most important thing to remember is that we will NEVER ask you for account details, payment details or your full security details in an email

If you receive an email which you do not believe has been sent by the West Brom:

Confirming a site is secure

A secure web browser should be prefixed with a padlock symbol or with 'https:' when you go to a secure page. The Internet browsers will show you that a website area is secure by displaying an unbroken key or a lock in the top left of your browser window, or next to the website address bar at the top of the page. For further details of the security certificate, you can click on the padlock icon.

The website address will be prefixed with 'https:' when you go to a secure page.

We make sure that all of our logged in areas or any forms requiring you to enter personal information always use a secure page.

What web addresses we will use

There are only a couple of web addresses (or URL's, as they are also referred to) which we use. They are as follows:

Our social media links are:

If you come across or are suspicious of any websites or webpages which carry the West Brom's name or logo, then please email us the links to

Online account security

Our popular WeBSave online savings accounts provide a secure way for you to manage your savings online. Here at the West Brom we use a variety of security measures to ensure your journey with is secure, such as:

Encryption Technology:The latest encryption technology, so that information passed between us and you is scrambled during transit, and cannot be read or understood by anyone else.

Firewall protection: We utilise firewalls to restrict access to our systems, and routine monitoring is performed, to protect your information from unauthorised access.

Secure login: Account access is granted by unique User ID, password and memorable information.

System time out: You will be automatically logged out of your account if you leave your screen inactive for more than fifteen minutes. Whilst you should always log off, whenever you leave your computer, the automatic time-out provides some additional protection.

Last login date and time: Whenever you log into your account, the date and time that you last logged in is displayed for your protection.

Online certificates: We utilise online security certificates for our customers to verify the Website is genuine. For further details of the security certificate, you can click on the padlock icon.

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