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Having easy access to your money

Whether you are opening a savings account for the very first time or you are an experienced saver, there are times when you may need to dip into your savings. If this is the case, then an easy access savings account could be ideal for you.


No need to worry with an easy access account

As the name suggests, easy access savings accounts are all about making your savings available if you need them. You can also usually deposit funds as and when you have them too – making this type of savings account ideal for short term savings goals or rainy day funds. 

The reassurance of a cash cushion

It’s always a good idea to have some savings readily available in case of emergencies. Easy access savings accounts have traditionally been popular with savers who want to have the reassurance of a cash cushion to help soften the impact should that rainy day arrive or to provide support in the case of an emergency, for example a boiler breakdown.

The amount you have available for such an emergency will, of course, depend on your personal circumstances, but any size of cash cushion is a good thing.

Why easy access accounts could work for you

At the West Brom, we understand that many of our customers want the flexibility of a savings account where their money is easy to get to in a simple and straightforward way. The key features of our easy access accounts are:

1. Reassurance that you can dip into your savings if you need to

2. Pay in as and when you would like to

3. Enjoy easy access to your money – the number of withdrawals you can make each year without notice or charge may vary depending on the account’s terms and conditions.

What easy access accounts does the West Brom offer?

At the West Brom we have a selection of easy access savings accounts available.

  • Click here to find the easy access savings account that is right for you.


Easy access accounts

Click here to view our range of easy access savings acccounts

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