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Building A Sustainable Future

At the West Brom, we are committed to addressing the challenges associated with climate change and are working hard to support the transition towards a greener economy.

In June 2019, the UK government committed to a 100% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This is referred to as the Net Zero target. Our efforts are aligned with this ambitious climate goal, and we are determined to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

As a mutual financial institution, we firmly believe that striving for Net Zero is the right course of action for our members, communities, and the planet. We recognise our responsibility to drive positive change and lead by example. As a result, we are working to implement sustainable practices, offer green financing options, and support employees and members in transitioning towards a Net Zero lifestyle.

Our Path to Net Zero

Our journey to reach Net Zero involves a comprehensive strategy encompassing all aspects of the Society. We are actively reducing our carbon footprint, relying on 100% renewable energy in our operations, and promoting sustainable initiatives across the Society. Through collaboration, innovation, and responsible decision-making, we aim to achieve Net Zero greenhouse emissions well ahead of the government's targets.

Areas of Action

1. Working towards Net Zero: We have committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning towards Net Zero in line with government targets.

2. Buildings: We are focused on incorporating energy-efficient technologies in our buildings, utilising sustainable materials, and are working towards green building certifications.

3. Sustainable transportation: We actively promote sustainable transportation options for our colleagues. We have installed EV chargers at Head Office to encourage electric vehicle use. Additionally, we offer a salary sacrifice scheme with new car provider Tusker, provide public transport incentives, a Cycle2Work scheme, and encourage carpooling through priority carpark spaces.

4. Energy: We prioritise clean and renewable energy sources, implement energy-efficient measures, and are investigating on-site renewable energy projects.

5. Waste: Our waste management practices include recycling programmes, waste reduction measures and responsible waste disposal. We are working to minimise resource consumption throughout the Society and to promote a circular economy throughout our operations.

6. Sustainable Procurement: We have engaged with our suppliers to prioritise environmentally friendly products, delivered in fewer journeys, without excess packaging.

7. Employee initiatives: We actively encourage all colleagues to adopt sustainable practices both at home and at work, focusing on promoting energy conservation, waste reduction, and green commuting.

8. Green Financing: We offer a Green Additional Borrowing Product for existing mortgage customers, empowering them to make energy-efficiency improvements to their homes.

9. Biodiversity: We are introducing measures to protect and enhance the natural environment, including developing partnerships for conservation initiatives and biodiversity protection.

10. Climate disclosures: Our climate-related disclosures, included in our Annual Report and Accounts, provide transparency, and align with TCFD recommendations, covering governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.

Future Commitments

Our commitment to climate sustainability is an ongoing journey. We recognise that addressing the challenges of climate change requires continuous effort and adaptation. As we progress on our path towards a sustainable future, we will continue to set ambitious goals and drive change. Our future commitments include:

Striving to be Carbon Negative: Beyond achieving Net Zero carbon emissions, we have set an ambition to become a carbon-negative institution by 2050.

Renewable Energy Advancements: We are expanding our renewable energy projects and exploring new technologies at Head Office, to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy.


Collaboration For Impact: We recognise the power of collaboration and have partnered with other organisations and community stakeholders on green initiatives, inspiring positive change at a broader scale.

Continuous Improvement: Our commitment to climate sustainability embraces a culture of continuous improvement. We will regularly assess our practices, seeking opportunities to further reduce our environmental impact.

Working Together for a Greener Tomorrow

The journey ahead may be challenging, but our climate ambition is one of hope and purpose. We are dedicated to building a greener tomorrow for our members, communities, and the planet. Join us on this transformative journey as we create a legacy of environmental stewardship, drive meaningful change, and inspire others to take action. Together we can shape a more sustainable world.

Key Terms

Carbon Negative: Actively removing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than is emitted.


Net Zero: A balance where the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere is equal to the amount of greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere.

TCFD: The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is an international body that sets out recommendations for companies to disclose their climate-related financial risks and opportunities.

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