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Caring where it counts

The West Brom supports vital contact for care home residents.

One of the cruellest features of Covid-19 is the way it cuts people off from each other, none more so than for residents in care homes, who have been unable to enjoy precious visits from family members because of the lockdown.

Walsall Council is acutely aware of what this means in terms of the isolation, loneliness, sometimes confusion felt by care home residents, who are frail or ill, often with significant health conditions, including dementia.

However, with support from the likes of the West Brom, the Council has enabled residents to have vital contact with their families, thanks to the provision of tablet devices.

With a grant of £2,000 from our charitable arm – the Mercian Community Trust – these devices have made a huge difference to the emotional wellbeing of residents by letting family members maintain contact with them, whether to offer soothing assurances or share family news. And, most poignant of all, creating a ‘virtual hand-holding’ presence for loved ones during what might be their last moments.

This communication facility has been greatly welcomed by residents, families, and by care staff too, as expressed by Tracy Simcox, Commissioning Manager at Walsall Council.

“The provision of this technology has made a major impact for residents in our care home settings. Being able to have virtual face-to-face conversations, especially during end of life care, is so valuable to residents, their families, and carers. It is important also that staff can offer this service for the people they care for, which is why we want to thank the West Brom as a generous funder and to all those who made this happen.”

In the view of the West Brom’s Chief Executive, Jonathan Westhoff, we have a proud reputation for supporting the community, and that is certainly so during this precarious time when various charities and agencies such as Walsall Council have turned to us for urgent help.

“So many people, especially the most vulnerable, are facing real difficulty and distress during this precarious time. Nowhere is that more evident than with those in care homes, who have been isolated from family members, which is one of the hardest aspects of the Covid crisis. We hope the West Brom’s support will go some way towards alleviating that sense of isolation and confusion for residents while also recognising the tremendous and selfless efforts of those working in the social care sector.”

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